Reprographic Services and digital photography

As per the provisions delineated in sub-section 6 of Section 11 of Public Records Rules, 1997, reprographic and transcription facilities are available on submission of an application in Form 9Form 9, (Size - 58 KB , Language - English, Format - PDF ) and for such services, the applicant shall have to make the payment of such services as may be fixed by the Director General or Head of the Archives, as the case may be, from time to time.

Terms of use (including copyright and due acknowledgement of National Archives of India) applicable for such services are mentioned in the form itself.

Use of digital cameras/ mobile cameras is strictly prohibited inside the Research Room.

Schedule of rates for Reprographic Services in National Archives of India (Effective from 15th March, 2023) A red cup with a handle on it.

DOD (Digital on Demand) service

National Archives of India is planning to start a DOD (Digital on Demand) service on Abhilekh Patal in the near future. Under this service, the user/scholar can directly place request for digital copy of records from the catalogue of records available under online reference media on payment basis. This service, which is under development right now, will facilitate users/scholars all over the world to see the contents of the concerned records.