Public Relations and Advisory Works

Public Relations - This involves liaison with various institutions, visit of trainees from the various academic and research Institutions, school students, delegations and correspondence as well as coordination and electronic media regarding projection of the image of the Department.

Advisory Work - National Archives of India’s advice and guidance is sought by many agencies and officials of the Department are sent from time to time to offer on the spot advice and guidance to the various institutions. The Department has also offering technical advice to various organizations in setting up archives in their organizations.

Director General of Archives is associated with the Governing body/important committees of several organizations including Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research, Ministry of Culture, New Delhi etc.

SI.NoName of organizationPosition of DG
1.Indian Council of Historical Research, New DelhiMember
2.Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, ShimlaMember
3.Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research, Ministry of Culture, New DelhiEx-officio member