National Committee of Archivists (NCA)

National Committee of Archivists:


National Committee of Archivists (NCA) is an all India body of professional archivists from all states/U.T.s to meet and discuss professional and technical problems being faced by Archives Departments in their day to day functions. The Committee is headed by the Director General of Archives, National Archives of India. It was set up in 1953 and has so far held 45 meetings. The last (45th meeting) was held on 3-4 September 2013 at Delhi Secretariat under the auspices of Department of Delhi Archives, Government of NCT of Delhi.


Aims and Objectives


To provide a professional forum:

  • to discuss archival problems and to disseminate knowledge of their approved solutions;
  • to achieve uniformity in professional practices;
  • to draw attention to the advantages and disadvantages of new techniques and developments;
  • to co-ordinate activities of common interest among archives offices in the country;
  • to consider and recommend measures to accelerate archival development in the country;
  • to develop contacts and liaison with archival institutions in the Region as a whole;
  • to solve problems by co-operative efforts at a professional level.



The National Committee of Archivists will have purely advisory role. It will take decisions and make recommendations by consensus and not by voting.




The National Committee of Archivists will consist of:

  • Director of Archives, Government of India as Chairman & Convener
  • A representative each of all State Governments/Union Territories, as follows:
    • The senior-most professional archivist, who is not normally liable for transfer, from States and Union Territories which have organized archives offices, OR
    • where there are no organized archives offices the Secretary of the Regional Records Survey Committee, if it exists. (Those States having neither an Archives Office nor Regional Records Survey Committee, will not be represented)
  • Heads of Archives Offices of Union Territories placed under the National Archives of India.
  • A Deputy Director of Archives/ Assistant Director of Archives, Government of India as Member-Secretary.




All appointments and reappointments shall be for a period of two years effective from the date of the first meeting and on the expiry of one term the members concerned shall be eligible for re-appointment.




The Committee will meet normally once in a year.

*Amended vide Department of Culture, Dy. No. 3739/87 Lib., dated 26.10.87 
Re-designated Director General of Archives, w.e.f. 1.6.90