About RTI Act

The Right to Information Act 2005 is a historic legislation in the annals of democracy in India. One of the major objectives of this Act is to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority by enabling citizens to access information held by or under the control of public authorities. Under this Act, a Cell was established in National Archives of India in 2005 which brought out Handbook of Information of National Archives of India in pursuance of Clause No. 4(1)(b) of the aforesaid Act.

  • RTI Act 2005 RTI Act 2005  
    ( Size - 784.26 KB , Language - English, Format - PDF )


  • RTI Rules 2012RTI Rules 2012  
    ( Size - 131.55 KB , Language - English, Format - PDF )

RTI Portal (rti.gov.in (link is external)